From those who brew beer to those who love it.
Beer Web is an e-commerce facilitator company that helps brew masters create, produce and sell their beer to the public.
Beer Web makes resources and services available so that your beer can conquer the market and the consumer.
With specialized consulting support from a beer sommelier, marketing assistance, media support, an e-commerce platform, and logistics, this is your chance to put your brews on the market, enabling you to earn royalties on the sale of products. We have access to breweries approved for producing and bottling your creation.
For the final consumer, it’s an opportunity to enjoy unique flavors from an exclusive and unprecedented menu of handcrafted beers with colors and aromas from every corner of Brazil. Beer Web makes it possible for you to exclusively sample quality, limited edition products with numbered bottles, which go through our team’s specialized curatorship. And they are sold only here.
A well-planned project always gets good results. Take a look at a few recent, interesting cases: