The Citrus7 library is a repository of relevant information about the digital universe.
E-learning has been responsible for a great wealth of knowledge, as users can access the didactic content at any time and from any location. There are two forms of e-learning: one that uses videos on-demand, i.e. pre-recorded content that can be requested at any time and another one that uses streaming technology, which occurs with […]
API stands for Application Programming Interface. Without the user perceiving, this interface can connect to other systems and applications; it is a way of linking different softwares and share features. For example: when developing an application that requires geolocation, the programmer can use the Google Maps API and integrate it to his or her software.
Video on demand designates a system in which users can choose the content that they wish to watch. The videos are stored on a server and are available to be accessed according to customer requests. As examples of video on demand, we have YouTube, Vimeo, Crackle and NetFlix.
Streaming is the technology of sending multimedia information through the web in continuous streams in real time. With streaming, we can watch live video through the Internet, and all that is needed is simply a broadband internet connection. An example of streaming is a football game broadcasted in real time on the web. Many radio […]
Data mining is a process that consists in exploring large volumes of data in search of patterns, rules of association and sequences, in order to create subsets of data. The purpose of this feature is to turn data into useful information for companies. For example: which customers bought which products, how many of these products […]
Cloud computing is the use of the storage capacity, calculation and memory of computers and servers connected via the Internet. From an operating system available on the web, any computer located anywhere in the world can access files and programs. This way, the computer, smartphone, or tablet becomes a chip connected to the Internet — […]
Intranet is a private network of computers for exclusive use in a given location, such as the network of a company that only allows access to employees. The purpose of an intranet is to facilitate the exchange of information between the various sectors of a company. It is also through it that the flow of […]
Accessibility concerns the practice of inclusion in the desing process of a website, with the goal of making the page accessible to all, regardless of physical or technological limitations. A site developed under the concept of web accessibility uses the semantics of HTML, alternative textual descriptions corresponding to the content of the images and links […]
W3C, or World Wide Web Consortium is the most important entity of standardization of the worldwide network of computers. It is an international consortium consisting of 400 companies, government agencies and independent associations, whose common goal is to establish protocols for the development of content for the Internet. Founded in 1994 by Tim Berners-Lee , […]
CMS is the acronym used for Content Management System and defines the set of tools for creating and editing content from web sites without the need of programming skills. An example of CMS is WordPress, which allows any user with basic knowledge of computing the creation of blogs and web sites and the management of […]
A well-planned project always gets good results. Take a look at a few recent, interesting cases: